Prime Physicians, PLLC is committed to providing a higher standard of service and to the delivery of safe, caring, quality patient care. We support and uphold the Joint Commission Health Care Staffing Services Standards and Elements of Performance. Prime Physicians has informed its clients of the following:

  • Subcontractors – Prime Physicians will not engage subcontractors to provide assigned employees unless agreed to in advance by the client.
  • Floating – Prime Physicians employees may only be placed in assignments that match the job description and clinical skills for which Prime Physicians assigns them.
  • Competency Review – Prime Physicians conducts extensive pre-employment screening and clinical assessments of its employees to establish professional competence. The Client should cooperate in providing client feedback reviews on services performed at the facility. The absence of feedback will be assumed that our employee(s) are meeting performance expectations.
  • Orientation of Employees – Prime Physicians will provide all new employees with an orientation to Prime Physicians policies, procedures and practices. It is the responsibility of the client to communicate any additional orientation requirements for Prime Physicians employees to the facility, its rules, regulations and to acquaint them with the specific facility policies and procedures where assigned, as well as access and training on the electronic medical record documentation system.
  • Employees of Independent Contractors – As the provider of staffing services, Prime Physicians is the employer of assigned employees.
  • Incident/Error Tracking System – Upon notification of incidents and/or errors, Prime Physicians shall document and track all incidents, errors, and sentinel events related to the care and services provided within 24 hours. Information is to be shared and reported appropriately to regulatory bodies and the Joint Commission as required.
  • Communicating Occupational Safety Hazards/Events – It is the responsibility of the client and/or Prime Physicians to notify within 24 hours of any competency issues and/or incidents related to the assigned employee. Client and/or Prime Physicians agrees to communicate whenever an accident/injury report related to an assigned employee is completed.
  • Requirements for Staff Specified –It is Prime Physicians’ obligation to comply with the client requirements by supplying staff that have the documented competencies and credentials to satisfy the requirements of services in order to deliver safe care to the patients.
  • Staff Matching Requirements – Prime Physicians will verify the assigned employee’s licensure, certification, education, and work experience to assure they are competent and possess the skills and experience that match requirements for the assignment and those of the clients.
  • Conflict of Interest – Prime Physicians discourages any conflict of interest as defined by what occurs when an interested person has a financial interest individually or as it relates to a family member, which is disclosed as or found to (a) impair the individual’s objectivity or (b) create an unfair competitive advantage for any person or organization other than Prime Physicians. Conflict of interest means more than individual bias. There must be a financial interest that could directly affect the work or services of Personnel to be considered a conflict. Prime Physicians reviews and evaluates this on an annual basis.


For complaints or concerns unable to be resolved locally with Prime Physicians, please contact PRIME PHYSICIANS at 712-220-6634 or The Joint Commission Office of Quality and Patient Safety at 1-800-994-6610.