An Opportunity
VHA IHT (Veteran health administration - Integrated health transformation)
Total Value of Contract: 14 Billion
Duration 10 years: 2024-2034
Total Awards: 6-8
DOCUMENTS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 29th Phase I and April 12th Phase II)
Contact Darin Hagerdon at
Phone: 712-317-3746
Looking for seasoned teaming partners in any of the below areas. (Must have existing single contracts (ok to combine multiple capabiity areas) valued over 5 million dollars in the last 5 years and company revenues must be >20 million to participate – unless a niche area where we can take small companies) Must be able to complete paperwork (takes about 4-8 hours) and must be able provide reference documents from client.
3.3 Functional Categories
The VITAL shall provide services, labor categories, and solutions necessary to fulfill the scope of Functional Category I (FC: I). The entire VIT shall collectively provide services, labor categories, and solutions necessary to fulfill the scope of all four (4) Functional Categories. Work in all four (4) Functional Categories may require expert level resources, specialized labor categories, rapid response, an extensive resource pool, enterprise-wide engagement and support, implementation and sustainment of complex initiatives and high-level integration.
The four Functional Categories consist of Capability Areas as follows:
FC: I Health System Transformation and Innovation | |
1B | Business Requirements Development |
1C | Strategic Planning |
1D | Program Evaluation |
1E | Business Process Reengineering, Improvement & Management |
1F | Change Management, Organizational Transformation and Assessments |
1G | Quality Management |
1H | Strategic Communications & Executive Support |
1I | Artificial Intelligence |
FC: II Implementation and Operations Support | |
2A | Strategic Planning |
2B | Program Evaluation |
2C | Business Process Reengineering, Improvement & Management |
2D | Change Management, Organizational Transformation and Assessments |
2E | Quality Management |
2F | Strategic Communications & Executive Support |
2G | Artificial Intelligence |
2H | Media Buying |
2I | Public Relations Services / Outreach |
2J | Conference, Events, and Planning Services |
2K | Healthcare Related Promotional Materials |
2L | Video/Film Production |
2M | Graphic Design |
FC: III Healthcare Business Enabling Services | |
3A | Medical Supply Chain & Healthcare Logistics Analysis |
3B | Supply Chain Management |
3C | Supply Chain Planning |
3D | Inventory Management & Operation Supply Chain Optimization |
3E | Financial Management Modernization |
3F | Internal Financial Controls |
3G | Financial Management and Operations |
3H | Research & Development Administrative Support |
3I | Human Resources Support |
3J | Procurement Support to P/PM |
3K | Information Privacy & Records Management |
3L | Revenue Operations |
3M | Value Based Healthcare |
FC: IV Health Informatics | |
4A | Informatics Risk Analysis & Mitigation |
4B | Solution Engineering & Issue Resolution |
4C | Simulation Systems Testing |
4D | Informatics Applied Analysis |
4E | Systems Safety Analysis |
4F | Human Centered Design & Human Systems Services |
4G | Informatics Field Usability Support |
4H | Informatics Operations & Review Improvement |
4I | Informatics Instructional Systems Design |
4J | Informatics Policy Analysis |
4K | Informatics Patient Safety |
4L | Clinical Practice Workflow Analysis |
4M | Informatics Partnership Management |
4N | Informatics Issue Management & Resolution |
4O | Application Support |
4P | Informatics Systems Use & Training |
4Q | Informatics Information Security Standards & Interoperability |
4R | Informatics Change Control |
4S | Informatics Change Management |
4T | Informatics Issue Management & Resolution |
4U | Clinical Decision Support (CDS) |
4V | Agile Development Methodology |
4W | Terminology |
3.3.1 Functional Category I: Health System Transformation and Innovation
Vetted Task Order (VTO): Due to the need for highly specialized and qualified expertise in Functional Category IV, the Contracting Officer may designate a given task order as VTO. Under VTO task order solicitations, IDIQ contract holders must propose (in their task order proposals) team members with demonstrated and vetted competence in the capability areas aligned with the work of the TOPR (i.e. those partners evaluated and confirmed FC IV capable under the IDIQ evaluation or those added and approved during free agency under FC IV). If successful and awarded the task order, awardee must then use the respective partners to perform the work. COs will also have discretion to judiciously designate VTOs with highly technical requirements falling under FCs I, II, and/or III when in the best interest of the Government. 1C Strategic Planning
The contractor shall provide support of integrated healthcare strategic planning, including development of goals, objectives, strategies, performance measures, targets, improved programmatic outcomes, succession plans, and linkages to programming, budgeting and evaluations. 1D Program Evaluation
The contractor will employ a proven systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and leveraging information to evaluate healthcare projects, policies and programs for effectiveness and efficiency, including risk assessments and mitigation strategies. 1E Business Process Reengineering, Improvement and Management
The contractor shall conduct studies in support of healthcare system redesign and business process reengineering, improvement, and management. The contractor shall develop implementation plan and support the process of implementing and sustaining improvements. The contractor shall use a healthcare-systems engineering approach to conduct organizational studies that specifically assess and analyze current organizational states and management systems and perform gap analyses of differences between current and targeted states, including findings and recommendations.
Approaches shall integrate acceptable VHA methods, which could include, but are not limited to: Lean, Lean Six Sigma and human centered design. In coordination with the Program office and VHA Business Architecture Office, contractor shall provide all business architecture deliverables in accordance with VHA Standards as provided by VHA Business Architecture Office. 1F Change Management, Organizational Transformation and Assessments
The contractor shall support all activities associated with organizational change, including but not limited to, transition management, implementation of major initiatives, communications associated with major initiatives, risk assessment, and organizational transformation and culture change, to include assessment of organizational health. Additional tasks may include employee engagement
strategy and environmental scans. The contractor shall provide Change Management tasks in accordance with the Prosci Change Management Framework, and staff will be Prosci certified change management specialists in support of the labor categories associated with this functional category. 1G Quality Management
The contractor shall provide support of quality management systems, tools, and techniques to help organizations transform, including, but not limited to, CMMI, Lean Six Sigma (LSS), ISO 9000/9001, and the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award criteria. 1H Strategic Communications and Executive Support
The contractor shall provide support to assist in defining, implementing, and executing a communications strategy that establishes consistent messaging, public relations management, and structured internal and external communication practices. Plans will be related to VHA initiatives, priorities, healthcare operations and services and may include inter-agency collaboration, the integration of multiple programs, and national level campaigns. Additionally, the contractor shall assess the return on investment (ROI), effectiveness, and performance of the communication or marketing plan using industry standard best practices and comprehensive metrics/analytics tools and techniques. The communications strategy should closely align with the overall change management approach (, reflected in its target audiences, modalities, and timing of internal and external communications.
The Contractor shall provide planning, design, organization and management of healthcare executive correspondence and documentation. Tasks may include the development and preparation of presentation materials and business correspondence for Government approval, to include but not limited to PowerPoint, speeches, virtual presentations, brochures, posters, templates, Web graphics, fact sheets, talking points, e-Mail blast content and other materials. Tasks may also include the tracking and reviewing of the status and progress of actions related to the correspondence to ensure the timeliness of responses. 1I Artificial Intelligence
The contractor shall support the development and application of innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to improve outcomes and experiences for Veterans2.AI in healthcare describes the 2 VA is in the process of developing a clause establishing contractor obligations when AI is proposed and used in performance of contracts and task orders. When clause language is finalized and approved for VA use, the application of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry using technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and generative AI. Drug discovery, medical diagnosis, surgery assistance, patient data management, automated customer service, and data analysis are examples of how AI in healthcare can impact care and services. Additionally, advancements in the use of AI in healthcare potentially provides new opportunities to deliver more accurate, streamlined support to medical providers. AI systems can take on routine tasks prone to human error and have the potential to help medical professionals be more efficient and accurate and, ultimately, improve patient outcomes.
Activities include, but are not limited to, development of datasets and environments for AI training and testing; measurement and evaluation of AI technologies; integrating AI techniques (machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, etc.) with existing VA business processes; development of AI use cases; development of AI competencies and education; internal and external assessments of current state opportunities for applications of AI in VHA; and identification of AI risks and reasonable mitigation measures.
3.3.2 Functional Category II: Implementation and Operations Support
The contractor shall provide essential support services as they relate to both transformation and innovation and functional programs. This support includes data, training, communications, and policy for a complex, large, integrated, healthcare system, as outlined below:
- studies and analyses and surveys and research
- design, conduct, and evaluate training
- outreach, promotional materials, and advertising for internal and external customers
- policy recommendations and papers 2A Studies and analyses
The contractor shall provide healthcare studies as they relate to staffing, evaluation, human resources, organization, leadership, efficiency, effectiveness, gap analyses, organization development, timeliness and quality of care, and emergency preparedness. The contractor shall also conduct surveys, focus groups, conjoint analyses, and other VA accepted techniques for data collection in support of transformation initiatives. Among myriad potential healthcare related study subjects, tasks may include studies of advanced healthcare methodologies and technology (to include the use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare) and the study and utilization of emerging (disruptive) models in healthcare.
The contractor shall conduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measurement studies, and prepare operations and procedures manuals to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively. 2B Data Governance
The contractor shall support in the management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the VHA’s healthcare data. Services may include consultations and process improvements utilizing precise standards and data integrity constraints. Contracting Officer will incorporate the “Use of Artificial Intelligence in VA Contracts” clause into the IDIQ contract and subsequent applicable orders with no separate consideration. 2C Performance Measurement
The contractor shall provide support of strategic performance measurement development, including consideration of risks, based upon healthcare industry standards, including improved linkage between VA-wide strategic healthcare goals and programmatic outcomes; and implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act (GPRAMA). 2D Training Development
The contractor shall create training in various mediums for delivery to desired audience. The contractor may conduct training needs assessment to identify the specialized training materials, media, and goals required to meet the Government’s needs. 2E Training Delivery
The contractor will deliver training in various mediums to include: face to face, online, or hybrid formats. 2F Policy Research and Development
The contractor shall perform tasks related to healthcare policy and regulation analysis and the development of policy recommendations. Tasks may include the analysis of specific issues, identification of alternatives, white paper development, development of policy review papers, recommendations in the development of policy directives and handbooks, and other analytical tasks focused on VHA healthcare policy. Public Health related policy tasks may require the contractor to complete quantitative predictive modeling to address future needs in the design of a Veteran centered health system. All policy recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government
employees. 2G Policy Management
The contractor shall perform tasks related to the management, review, and revision of existing healthcare policy documents. Tasks may include databasing, indexing, revision scheduling, tracking, supporting subject matter expert (SME) review panels, standardization, and periodic review and analysis of existing policies and procedures for continued applicability, effectiveness, and compliance. All policy recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 2H Advertising Services
The contractor shall develop materials to promote the public and private awareness of mission, goals, initiatives and objectives to ensure complete understanding of the complex and technical aspects and social issues of Veteran healthcare needs. Additionally, to disseminate information to industry, consumer advocacy groups, and Veteran Service Organizations and engage in recruitment
campaigns. Services may include the following healthcare related components: advertising objective determination, message decision / creation, media selection, outdoor marketing and media services, broadcast media (radio, TV and public service announcements), direct mail services, web-based media services, media planning, media placement services, advertising evaluation, and related activities to advertising services. 2I Media Buying
The contractor shall assist in the procurement of healthcare related advertising and outreach activities that can be in the form of television time, periodical advertisements, internet advertisement, radio, social media, billboards, public transportation, etc. The contractor shall provide support in negotiating media in accordance with research and analysis and purchasing paid advertising to impact targeted healthcare markets and audiences; generating excitement and awareness of VA benefits, healthcare and services. 2J Public Relations Services/Outreach
The contractor shall assist in the healthcare related strategic communication plan that builds beneficial relationships between the VHA, the public, and other entities. The Contractor shall provide support to assist in developing plans for various Department-wide outreach campaigns and recommending the most effective way of communicating a message in print, electronic format, or both, including social media and web-based outreach.
Other related services may include: executing healthcare related media programs, conducting press conferences, scheduling broadcast and/or print interviews, public relations and crisis communications media training, such as, training of agency healthcare personnel to deal with media and media responses, media alerts and press clipping services related activities to public relations services. 2K Conference, Events, and Planning Services
The contractor shall develop and support preparation of healthcare related conferences, seminars, and events planning services by providing materials that can be presented and/or provided to participants of these events. Services may include the following components for an event and/or booth: project management, coordination and implementation of third party participation, collection management of third party payment for participation, liaison support with venue, audiovisual and information technology support, topic and speaker identification, site location research, reservation of facilities, on- site meeting and registration support, editorial services, automation and telecommunications support, design and editing productions; and mailing and other communication with attendees including pre/post meeting mailings/travel support and computer database creation.
Note: The use of the IHT IDIQ for the purposes specified within this capability area does not relieve Government program officials and contracting personnel from their responsibilities and any reporting requirements as provided in OMB Memorandum M-17-08, VA Financial Policy Volume XIV, Travel Chapter 10- Conference Planning, Oversight, and Reporting, and 38 U.S.C. 517. 2L Healthcare Related Promotional Materials
The contractor shall develop healthcare related promotional materials in multiple mediums. The type of medium can include pamphlets, posters, brochures, etc. Services may include the following components: developing conceptual design and layouts, providing copywriting and technical writing services, creating sketches, drawings, publication designs, and typographic layouts; and furnishing custom or stock artwork (including electronic artwork). 2M Video/Film Production
The contractor shall develop healthcare related video and/or film materials in multiple mediums to include digital media for the use by the customer. Services may include final editing, copyrights and editing to fit various formats (e.g., High-Definition, streaming, Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), etc.) 2N Graphics Design
The contractor shall support in the development of healthcare related visual communication for internal and external stakeholders using photography, illustration, visual arts, page layout, etc. Services may include logo design, periodical design, web design, and signage.
Puffery prohibition: In providing communications related services under –, or associated task orders, the contractor shall not perform activities that involve “self-aggrandizement” or “puffery” of the agency, its personnel, or activities, activities that are purely partisan in nature, or activities that are “covert propaganda,” or that cover the fact that government appropriations were
expended to produce it. Disseminating information to the citizenry about VHA, its established policies, practices, and products is permitted.
3.3.3 Functional Category III: Healthcare Business Enabling Services
The contractor shall provide specialized functional services in support of healthcare programs and projects aligned with the areas below:
- supply chain management, to include process improvement, cold chain management,
delivery and storage of goods, and cost benefit analytical studies - financial services management
- human resources
- acquisitions
- research and development administrative support
- information privacy and records management
- revenue operations
- value base healthcare 3A Medical Supply Chain and Healthcare Logistics Analysis
The contractor shall provide support in the analysis of and recommendations for healthcare supply chain efficiency and improvement measures. The services include all phases (design, development, testing, production, fielding, operations, maintenance, sustainment, improvement, modification, and disposal) of planning, acquisition and management of healthcare logistics systems. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3B Supply Chain Management
The contractor shall provide support in analysis of and recommendations for the healthcare logistics system, the personnel, and resources involved in the movement and procurement of healthcare supplies to and from the organization. These activities may include product analysis, collaboration with channel partners, and support to the Government in alignment of business functions and processes. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3C Supply Chain Planning
The contractor shall provide support, analysis, and recommendations to the Government for the process of predicting future healthcare requirements to balance supply and demand. Services may include the analysis of supply stock, future forecast, etc. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3D Inventory Management and Operation
The contractor shall provide support, analysis, and recommendations to the healthcare logistics system in the practice of overseeing and controlling the systemic ordering, storage and use of the inventory of supplies. These activities may include analysis and risk mitigation to increase value from vendors used in the procurement process. Additional areas of focus may include cost control and quality measurements of consumables, expendables, and supplies. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3E Supply Chain Optimization
The contractor shall provide support in the analytical study of efficiencies and opportunities in the healthcare supply chain. Services may include consultation on process improvement, industry best practices, quality management, and assessment of supply chain. 3F Financial Management Modernization
The contractor shall support program office efforts to modernize the VHA’s Financial Management System (FMS) and multiple workstreams centered around healthcare financial business processes. The contractor shall provide technical, systems engineering, planning, programmatic support, and resourcing recommendations to support financial management modernization. 3G Internal Financial Controls
The contractor shall provide support, analysis, and recommendations to the Government to improve organizational efficiency, detect and eliminate fraud, and maximize compliance with relevant regulation. Support may include monitoring and measuring organizational resources, policies and procedures, and delivering relevant artifacts. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3H Management and Operations
The contractor shall provide budget and financial management support to include tracking, forecasting, analysis, execution, reporting, and actuarial services. Tasks may include analyses to develop recommendations specifically aimed at cost control/cost reduction, support for the Government’s budget planning and formulation activities for future years funding needs, and recommendations for standard operating procedures related to healthcare financial management. All recommendations will be reviewed and approved by Government employees. 3I Research and Development Administration Support
The contractor shall perform tasks related to the administration of healthcare research and Institutional Review Board support. Tasks may include administrative support for the peer review process, literature reviews, Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) compliance, portfolio analyses, and other administrative and analytical tasks in support of the VHA intramural healthcare research
and development program. 3J Human Resources Support
The contractor shall provide human resources and staffing solutions as they relate to supporting the development of healthcare position descriptions for Government approval, conducting manpower surveys, and providing workforce and human capital management consulting. The contractor shall provide support in the development of position description and qualification documents for human resource activities specific to the healthcare industry. These activities include utilizing Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and VA policies to guide document generation for hiring officials and amend position description and responsibility documents. The contractor shall provide support in the design and analysis of manpower and healthcare staffing studies for the VHA. This support is not inclusive of temporary staffing services. 3K Procurement Support to Program and Project Management
The contractor shall provide incidental procurement services to support portfolio, program, and project- level product and service requirements. Tasks may include supporting program office with development of requirements, market research, estimates, and other related documentation and capturing gaps, risks, and issues that may impact program and project success. Organizational Conflict of Interest: All functions related to Acquisition Support shall be on an advisory basis only. Please be advised that awardees of task orders on this IDIQ that include acquisition support tasks may, at the Contracting Officer’s sole discretion, be restricted from involvement in future related activities and acquisitions in accordance with FAR 9.5 and the clause entitled, Organizational Conflict of Interest, found in the VAAR 852.209-70. If enacted, these restrictions will be in effect for the life of the IDIQ as well as an additional 12-month period following its expiration. The Contractor and its employees, as appropriate, shall be required to sign Non Disclosure Agreements. 3L Information, Privacy and Records Management
The contractor shall evaluate and recommend solutions to compile, evaluate, analyze, control, secure, and disseminate timely, relevant, objective, and accurate data and information to VHA and VHA stakeholders, including, but not limited to, web-based designs, data governance, operational systems, document storage, applications, models, and assessment of existing legacy systems. These services may include the digitization of hard records to electronic media, disposition of records, and storage of records in accordance with specific regulations. Approaches shall include healthcare industry standards. 3M Revenue Operations
The contractor shall evaluate revenue cycle management (RCM) and operations to include the overarching combination of claims processing, payment, and revenue generation of the healthcare organization’s financial system. These services may include all administrative and clinical functions that contribute to the capture, management, and collection of patient service revenue. It is the entire life of a patient account. 3N Value Based Healthcare Planning
The contractor shall evaluate the implementation and use of a value-based healthcare delivery model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, are paid based on patient health outcomes. The model may include value-based care agreements, in which providers are rewarded for helping patients improve their health, reduce the effects and incidence of chronic disease, and live healthier lives in an evidence-based way.
Value-based care differs from a fee-for-service or capitated approach, in which providers are paid based on the amount of healthcare services they deliver. The “value” in value-based healthcare is derived from measuring health outcomes against the cost of delivering the care and services.
3.3.4 Functional Category IV: Health Informatics
The contractor shall provide services, support, and facilitation as they relate to health informatics. Health IT enables advancements in healthcare by providing the tools which set knowledge in motion. Informatics is a foundation to modern health care services. It ensures the appropriate use of health IT, applied to clinical, and business concepts and the human aspects of delivering health related services.
Informaticists improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of health-related services by leveraging health IT to support end user experience and improve care for Veterans. Health informatics is inclusive of the following areas of focus – Clinical informatics, Biomedical Informatics, and Public Health Informatics.
- Clinical Informatics is the application of informatics and information technology to deliver healthcare services. It is also referred to as applied clinical informatics or operational informatics.
- Biomedical informatics is the interdisciplinary, scientific field that studies and pursues the effective uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving, and decision making, motivated by efforts to improve human health.
- Public Health Informatics is the application of informatics in areas of public health, including surveillance, prevention, preparedness, and health promotion. Public health informatics and the related population informatics work on information and technology issues from the
perspective of groups of individuals. Public health is extremely broad and can even touch on the environment and work and living places and includes the development and use of interoperable information systems for public health functions such as bio-surveillance,
outbreak management, electronic laboratory reporting and prevention. 4A Informatics Risk Analysis and Mitigation
The contractor shall conduct risk analysis applying a risk stratification framework using risk management standards and methods to provide assessments to document potential issues and risks associated with existing or emerging technologies, tools, or methods. Services shall include
providing recommendations to maximize effectiveness and reduce risks and associated costs. The contractor shall propose strategies to reduce the likelihood or severity of harm through errortolerant design and mitigation implementation on risks or perceived issues. The contractor shall identify potential issues and risks with decisions made, with a particular focus on any usability, information security and safety impacts. The contractor shall identify and summarize workarounds established by users that mitigate potential issues, including potential policy adaptations. 4B Solutions Engineering and Issue Resolution
The contractor shall lead business process reviews and recommend enhancements to elements of the socio-technical system (STS). The contractor shall assess deployment of health information systems (HIS) and post-implementation status to determine the impact on ongoing operations, including progress assessments related to defined key performance indicators (KPI). The contractor shall perform analysis efforts that inform candidate solution development resulting in recommendations for changes to the system design or functionality or other optimal mitigation strategies to an identified issue to enhance policy, procedures, organizational / leadership, education / training, manpower / personnel / staffing, or some combination of those listed.
The contractor shall perform workflow evaluations that apply best practices or standardized procedures to improve service delivery with measurable health outcomes, or craft new methods based on literature. The contractor may support activities that explore the variance and design constraints of workflow adoption issues. The contractor shall validate workflows, suggest enhancements, enable performance optimization, and identify latent risks and design inefficiencies, challenges, and opportunities for system enhancement. The contractor shall identify HIS deployment issues that can be explored and quantified so alternative STS design options can be considered, including design recommendations or proposed process redesigns. The contractor may measure performance changes and design enhancements that informs future trade off analyses. The contractor may perform analysis that identifies sub optimal workflows and assess user reported interface and functionality issues. The contractor shall perform and have working knowledge and specialized experience in analytics related to processes (e.g., operations research, clinical pathways, Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN+), causal inference, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and master data management in context of healthcare data and electronic health records (EHR) data. The contractor shall perform research, decision support, and analysis related to diagnostic reasoning, clinical practice understanding, and guideline application. 4C Simulation
The contractor shall perform simulation studies that delineate the current performance from the potential system performance with identified variable factors for short-term solutions and longerterm solutions to inform operational and strategic planning. The contractor shall identify the system components, flow, and interactions as appropriate for the model’s aims to predict and subsequently validate the model’s performance. The contractor shall provide simulation to support predictive data and information on operational performance issues and define functions and tasks to enable assessing workload, evaluating alternative configurations, assessing operating procedures, workflow integration, and identifying accident or error-provocative situations. 4D System Testing
The contractor shall perform pre- and post-implementation assessments in-situ and virtually that analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and identifies established workarounds or pain points from user-discovered usability issues. The contractor shall establish appropriate usability objectives and KPIs for targeted user roles in specified domains for common, core, and safety critical tasks. The contractor shall provide performance-based assessments that provide clarity on the operational impact of a system design and qualitative testing that identifies underlying usability concerns and workflow integration challenges. The contractor shall establish performance baseline usability metrics that provide a reference point to determine quantitative impact of applied interventions. 4E Informatics Applied Analysis
The contractor shall support the establishment of and business process planning for maturing applied systems analysis services, architecture, and analytic capabilities The contractor shall conduct current state assessments through environmental scans and literature reviews, processes, and needs to inform a strategy for maturing applied systems analysis practices in VHA. For supporting applied systems analysis theoretical and technical guidance capability expansion the contractor shall perform technology scouting to collect and curate a list of required, available, and approved analytic tools and methods. The contractor shall produce technical references, language, and use cases, as well as create illustrative figures and graphics to provide stakeholders with effective and efficient data visualizations, dashboards, and publications. The contractor shall organize resources through the development and evaluation of an interactive online theoretical and technical reference hub.
For the applied systems analysis continuous planning and business process development, the contractor shall perform and/or design external review of applied analysis plan, collect and review Data Scientist position descriptions (PDs) and related information, develop an initial library of applied systems analysis use cases, and formulate planning around publication and presentation development. The contractor shall develop educational materials and tools to support local analytic projects and administer training on key related topics. In addition, the contractor shall assess the feasibility and facilitate initial infrastructure to foster a community of practice around Human Factors Engineering (HFE) applied analysis principles and practices.
The contractor shall support and provide consultative services in establishing the foundational requirements for the data platform, copying of data from EHR systems to its enterprise data management and data governance platforms. 4F Systems Safety Analysis
The contractors shall support Systems Safety activities that include establishment of a training plan and content as well as support on local, Veterans Integrated Services Network (VISN), and National project teams to facilitate understanding of context of use and Work as Done (WAD) in ways that will promote safety and resilience within the system. The contractor may develop training materials tailored for VHA informaticists as well as a plan for the creation, curation, and distribution of content. The contractor may conduct environmental scans of existing trainings, methods, tools, and best practices used across VA and industry to inform trainings materials and recommendations to improve local operations.
The contractor may conduct user interviews to understand current attitudes and awareness around systems safety for national program offices. The contractor may develop educational materials to support local projects and demonstrate the importance of systems safety to stakeholders. The contractor may create illustrative figures, graphics, technical references, and language to use intrainings, educational materials, and publications.
Contractors may support the expansion of a systems safety infrastructure that promotes Safety-II (Productive Safety) and Resilience Engineering activities while complementing Safety-I (Protective Safety) efforts. This includes gap analysis and the identification of things that are going well in various settings in VHA. Additionally, contractors shall analyze and investigate how to promote suchactivities, how to build capacity for this work, and how to identify pathways for dissemination. 4G Human Centered Design and Human Systems Services
The contractor shall support a systems-based approach that aims to improve usability, information security, safety, and overall user experience with VA services and HIS in alignment with existing federal government policies, regulations, and international standards, while developing new techniques and approaches for VA to efficiently adopt and demonstrate the value of involving users throughout the systems development lifecycle.
The contractor shall support the design of products, processes, and tools to optimize overall system performance, by employing methods with demonstrable success in reducing development costs, improving overall system efficiency, heightened user satisfaction, increased safety, and improved employee experience.
The contractor shall apply human factors methods and analysis, mastering the fundamental concepts of observational, experimental, and correlational research methods that include both qualitative and quantitative data. The contractor shall have expertise and skill applying statistical analysis, interviews, contextual inquires, focus groups, inspections, evaluations, survey development, rapid ethnography, systems design, data coding and literature reviews. The contractor shall have experience in administering the NASA Task Load Index (TLX), System Usability Scale (SUS), Post-Study Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ), Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale (ITUEs) and other standard usability and satisfaction instruments. The contractor shall benchmark user performance measures on the as-is system and iterate the design and configuration of any new UI and work system as appropriate. The contractor shall identify and define the gaps, risks, limitations, capabilities, system constraints, functionalities, affordances, findings, lessons, and factors contributing to the productivity, comfort, motivation, safety, and satisfaction of users. 4H Informatics Field Usability Support
The contractor shall support embedded Usability Specialists within local and regional field locations. The contractor shall support improving Human Centered Design (HCD) competencies for local, regional, and national informatician roles that are responsible for analyzing current-state systems, capturing clinician needs, engaging clinicians in solution design, and assessing the impact of solutions on care delivery. The contractor shall support the delivery of practice guidance, on-demand training, and hands-on coaching to informatics staff at VISN/VA Medical Center facilities that have requested support to establish a local HCD competency. The contractor shall support identifying skills gaps and facility priorities for improved health IT usability. The contractor shall support the content delivery platform to improve access, measurement, and continuous improvement of HCD practice guidance and on-demand training, expand the scope of HCD guidance and training to include EHR transition work, and deliver hands-on HCD coaching across the enterprise.
The contractor shall support the usability community of practice (UCOP) that enables the sharing of standards, templates, processes, guidance, tooling, lessons, and priorities in bi-directional information sharing monthly office hours for each individual resource and group sessions for the community; and an annual in-person Showcase event. 4I Informatics Operations Review and Improvement
The contractor shall periodically assess templates, tools, techniques, approaches, processes, and procedures used by the Government team to assess applicability, update content, and reinforce efficiency. The contractor shall conduct user interviews, focus groups, environmental scans, literature reviews to understand how external groups are structured and operate in other health care systems. The contractor shall provide recommendations to improve operations and methodologies based on best practices used by other external groups. The contractors shall create and deliver content including new method descriptions, educational materials and sessions, checklist in support of study types, tool comparisons, heuristics and standard instruments (e.g. SUS, NASA, TLX). 4J Informatics Instructional System Design
The contractor shall apply current and innovative adult learning and instructional design theories and techniques to analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate, and modify learning programs for informatics processes, principles, and tooling. The contractor shall provide instructional systems design (ISD) services to include determining stakeholder needs, identifying the services and timelines that best meet those needs, and providing those services to VA program offices. The contractor shall perform the systematic process for the assessments needed to design effective training solutions, specifically for the purpose of formal training delivery. The contractor shall support VA customers in the development of effective curriculum & training strategies that achieve organizational goals. The contractor shall conduct formative assessments of trainings and products. The contractor shall refine and uphold curriculum & training standards in line with design principles and learning design development best practices. The contractor shall assess implementation of curriculum on new and existing products for the user experience and outcomes. The contractor shall capture stakeholder feedback for continuous improvements of curriculum & training. The contractor shall align ISD services with ISO 30422:2022 Human resource management — Learning and development. The contractor shall support the continuous improvement of ISD practices, processes, and methods. The contractor shall conduct training effectiveness evaluation and formative training assessments. 4K Informatics Policy Analysis
The contractor shall continually scan policies, directives, and guidance with informatics dependencies for new requirements or changes to existing requirements. The contractor shall continually scan organizational knowledge and subject matter domains to identify and develop business requirements not fully supported by policies and propose one or more adjustments to policy to bridge identified gaps. The contractor shall identify non-policy alternatives to any proposed change to policy design as part of analysis of alternatives. 4L Informatics Patient Safety
The contractor shall use data to assess, monitor, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of patient safety interventions to reduce issues such as medication errors, reduce adverse drug reactions, improve compliance with practice guidelines, analyze impact of system performance on workflows, and create informatics solutions to ensure the outcomes are as intended and beneficial while minimizing risk of harm. 4M Clinical Practice Workflow Analysis
The contractor shall analyze individual tasks of a process completed during the customary means of delivering health care, to consider opportunities for improvement or optimization of the behavior of people, systems, information, and tools. to the contractor shall understand the various approaches for mapping the workflow of business and clinical processes to outline steps users follow and to develop a baseline for improvements or reengineering. 4N Informatics Partnership Management
The contractor shall engage in the practice of coalition building to cultivate and maintain effective relationships with key partners and stakeholders that impact informatics from the central office level, through the facility level. Services require working cooperatively with others, inside and outside the organization, to accomplish objectives to build and maintain mutually beneficial partnerships, leverage information, and achieve results. 4O Informatics Issue Management and Resolution
The contractor shall use a systematic process used to identify, document, and address informatics and health issues quickly and efficiently in ways that facilitates the resolution of future problems. This shall include identifying problems and uses logic, judgment, and data to evaluate alternatives and recommend solutions to achieve the desired organizational goal or outcome. 4P Application Support
The contractor shall enable healthcare capabilities and the evolution of technology of the EHR (such as CPRS/VISTA and Oracle Millennium) and tools adjoined to the EHR to deliver quality care. This shall include developing, testing, implementing, monitoring, maintaining, and optimizing informatics tools and facilitating access to them. Services require working on availability, functionality, integrity, and efficiency, and maintaining system configuration for informatics tools. 4Q Informatics System Use and Training
The contract shall provide instruction and document guidance on using computer hardware and/or software to store, retrieve and communicate health information. The contractor shall have the ability to impart that knowledge, skill, and abilities to another system user. The contractor shall promote individual and organizational development through planning, designing, and managing employee development and training programs/services. The contractor shall organize, analyze, interpret, and visualize data to provide insights that guide effective decision making. The contractor shall seek or collect and synthesize information from a variety of stakeholders and sources in an objective, unbiased manner to reach a conclusion, goal, or judgment, and to enable strategic and leadership decision making. 4R Informatics Information Security
The contractor shall provide management of end-user access and protection against unauthorized use of business and clinical systems in accordance with VA information security and privacy policies. The contractor shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability, and non-repudiation of the organization’s information contained in and transmitted from systems and networks by implementing security and privacy laws, regulations, policies, standards, and control techniques. 4S Standards and Interoperability
The contractor shall advance secure, standards-based interoperability and exchange of health information through standards engagement, development, adoption, conformance, and awareness activities contributing to the seamless exchange of health and social care information for Veteran care and Veteran access to their own health information. 4T Informatics Change Control
The contractor shall collaborate to develop and apply change control criteria and processes to prioritize and backlog changes to maximize the efficiency, likelihood, and impact of change adoption. Supported change control shall include changes to business requirements, technical applications (excluding data governance, information security governance, or CDS governance), and program office activities.
Support for change control shall include governance change requests explicitly captured as a class of change requests end-users could submit along with existing new service requests (NSRs) or break-fix requests using existing or minimally augmented change request infrastructure. The contractor shall facilitate and support visibility into other change requests already in progress that users may opt-out if desired. The contractor shall facilitate and support the ability for peer analysis or solutioning among end-users (resolution for change requests opting out of visibility to other end-users would accept longer time-to-resolve due to lack of peer resources). These interdependent potential change control process features could support continually emergent standardization at an enterprise scale. 4U Informatics Change Management
The contractor shall use communication, education, and leadership to support business and clinical teams with comprehension of and adaptation to enterprise updates, leveraging project management principles and environmental assessments to drive the adoption of informatics change. The contractor shall understand the need for change from current to future state and helps plan for and accommodate it as creatively and positively as possible. 4V Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
The contractor shall support CDS-related tasks that address one or more phases of the CDS Lifecycle.
Work under this area can include (singularly or in combination) any of the tasks outlined in this area:
The contractor shall provide support with respect to researching and quantifying current issues related to clinical and/or business processes/outcomes (Problem Identification) and conduct the appropriate analysis to determine whether CDS is an appropriate remedy for the identified problem (Solution Analysis). The contractor shall provide services and support to Government staff to develop and document a deep understanding of current clinical knowledge relevant to the identified need, utilizing the medical literature, clinical texts, guidelines, subject matter experts and other authoritative sources (Knowledge Management).
Using existing or newly captured in-depth clinical knowledge, the contractor shall provide subject matter experts and informaticians to work with VA clinical experts, clinical users, and informaticians, in an iterative process, to develop CDS interventions that implement the knowledge in relevant and useful ways (CDS Information Design). During creation of CDS artifacts, the contractor shall use Government designated information design artifacts to create a CDS intervention arranged in a structured or semi-structured manner specific to the CDS knowledge artifact type (e.g.Documentation Templates, Order Set(s), or ECA rules) according to applicable semantic and syntactic standards (Intervention Specification). The contractor shall be expected to collaborate with SMEs and other knowledge workers responsible for constituent components (e.g., terminology artifacts) to create and test standards based CDS content that is presentation layer independent. As platform agnostic CDS artifacts are intended to be used across multiple modalities, the contractorshall provide knowledge workers and user interface designers who shall be responsible for taking the standards based CDS artifact and, using an iterative process, transforming it into an executable format such as HTML5 for rendering by the HIT application (Presentation Design). Contractor staff shall pay careful attention to usability and user interface design guidelines while creating such artifacts.
To complete the CDS Lifecycle, the contractor shall support efforts to conduct a thorough clinical review and organization vetting of existing or newly created CDS artifacts prior to deployment (Organizational Vetting). As every CDS intervention must undergo periodic review to ensure that it remains current and useful, the contractor shall support assessments which may include impacts of CDS on workflow, care processes or patient outcomes (Impact Assessment), as well as periodic review of an intervention’s impact on meeting stated goals and of the currency of its clinical knowledge. Results of this step could be confirmation of an intervention as-is, modification, retirement or replacement of the intervention if needed (Periodic Review). 4W Agile Development Methodology
The contractors shall provide consultation on the effective use of agile methodologies including but not limited to the use of Scrum, Kanban, and Scaled Agile Framework for solution development. The contract shall enhance team agility and maturity by developing coaching plans and conducting maturity assessments. The Contractor shall facilitate the organization’s transition to a continuous delivery model and adoption of an agile mindset across stakeholders by using change management techniques to generate organizational buy-in. The Contractor shall participate in development and application of guiding principles and standards to guide product management practices. The Contractor shall develop ecosystem and business capability models, value stream and customer journey maps to guide product teams in developing their minimum marketable and minimum viable products, value propositions and drive business outcomes. 4X Terminology
The contractor shall provide support for knowledge-based systems terminology standards creation, terminology versioning, evolution and maintenance, terminology mapping and harmonization, structural and semantic integration, terminology configuration, publication, and submission for the VHA Office of Health Informatics (OHI), Clinical Informatics and Data Management Office (CIDMO), Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) Program Office using Agile principals. The TermMed and Symedical terminology tools shall be secured by the contractor to maintain the enterprise terminology.
The contractor shall perform and maintain terminology mappings from VistA data representations to standard codes. Where terminology standards are inadequate to enable mapping of a data set, the contractor shall propose and model new concepts for the VA SNOMED Extension (VSE). New terms that arise shall be prepared for proper submission to Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) that may consider them for incorporation into the standard. Comprehensive documentation shall be provided of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), business rules, mapping rules, Quality Assurance (QA) processes and a dashboard summary detailing metrics related to product delivery and QA.
The contractor shall create new content as needed to support VA use cases. Content includes the concepts themselves as well as appropriate modeling of inter-concept relationships consistent with terminology modeling guides such as the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) modeling guide. VA has implemented a process called New Term Rapid Turnaround (NTRT) to meet this need and to respond to clinician requests for new or expanded content. This process enables users of the VistA system to submit requests for new content. The contractor shall analyze and process requests. Terms deemed appropriate shall be added to the relevant standardized domain.
The contractor shall ensure that terminology products produced harmonize with messaging and modeling standards such as those provided by Health Level 7 (HL7). Alignment of the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard in the VA enterprise shall be adhered to by the contractor so that we are not on different versions of the standard and so that interoperability is enhanced.
The contractor shall actively participate in terminology standards activities to continue to understand how our VA efforts can inform and be informed by terminology standards so that maximum interoperability can be achieved. Examples of relevant SDOs/Standard Relevant Organizations (SRO) include SNOMED CT, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC),and HL7.
3.4 Labor Categories
Attachment A, IHT Labor Categories, provides a comprehensive list of labor categories, descriptions, minimum education and experience requirements, as well as identification for which Functional Category(s) the labor categories are applicable. Individual Task Orders may provide additional requirements for experience or education, including certifications.
It is expected that the minimum education and experience will be in a field or specialty that directly relates to the labor category and task order requirements. The CO reserves the right to grant waivers for the education and experience requirements. Waivers for education may be based on additional years of experience, industry certifications, or equivalent trainings. Waivers for experience may be based on additional years of education and exceptionally specialized experience. Individual Task Orders may cite additional equivalencies that will be recognized. Contractor’s request for waiver must be provided in writing to the CO, and the CO’s authorization must be provided in writing to the contractor.
The base contract and any subsequent task orders require general contract management to provide oversight, maintain schedules, monitor costs, and assure quality of services, performance, and deliverables. The contractor may be asked to attend virtual meetings, provide meeting minutes, prepare agendas, review deliverables, and participate in ad hoc communication to discuss contract or task order status. In addition to tasks and deliverables defined in individual task orders, the contractor shall perform the tasks and provide the deliverables that follow throughout the performance period. All tasks and deliverables listed in this section shall not be separately priced, nor will separate task orders be issued